Estados Unidos Citas solteras - Spring Valley, New York - erika12a

erika12a tiene 34 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Spring Valley, Estados Unidos.
erika12a quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Spring Valley - Estados Unidos

Hello, I am from United States. I am a English speaker that wants to improve his other cultures skills and I could help you with your English skills. I am interested in to know about other cultures and how is the life in other places. If you want to have a conversation exchange with me please don't hesitate and send me a message.  I am new to this site.
I like the beach, cinema, shopping, couples outings, restaurants, music, cooking, travel etc and I do not like the lie because I myself do
Lo que espero del otro

Hello, I am from United States. I am a English speaker that wants to improve his other cultures skills and I could help you with your English skills. I am interested in to know about other cultures and how is the life in other places. If you want to have a conversation exchange with me please don't hesitate and send me a message.  I am new to this site.
I like the beach, cinema, shopping, couples outings, restaurants, music, cooking, travel etc and I do not like the lie because I myself do

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Este sitio ha sido creado para formar relaciones serias, estables y duraderas, no podrá usarlo para enviar fotos no respetuosas, no debe enviar mensajes de odio, no podrá ni acosar a un miembro.
Hemos puesto a su disposición la posibilidad de bloquear a un miembro en cualquier momento, para reportarlo a la administración que hará su trabajo rápidamente.
Le pedimos que lea nuestros términos y condiciones y que los respete.



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